Tuesday 15 December 2015

Influenster does it again!

Influenster has sent me Huggies Little Movers! #IChooseHuggies

 I couldn't be more happy with testing out this brand of diaper! Especially the specific kind it was! Little movers!

Its been a while since I've received a voxbox, and I'm more then happy that this time it was something for my kids that I really could use and test! My biggest problem with diapers lately has been keeping them up and in place! As the name suggests, this type of diaper is designed specifically for the little ones who are constantly on the go! My little girl (who has a tiny waist) I can hardly keep anything on her little non existent bum! Being skinny everything falls off!
Except for these diapers! She can be racing around in nothing but the diaper, but up it stays!

Definitely will be putting these on the shopping list in the future! Thanks, Influenster!

Wednesday 14 May 2014


Yippee! I qualified for another voxbox from influenster! This time they've sent these fun press on manicure nails!

They look like fun right? 
My first impression of these is that they're fun, and easy to apply! I'm a "no fuss" kind of person. If it takes too long to get ready, its probably not worth it! While I've most definitely never been the "hot pink, zebra print manicure" type, I'm kind of excited to try these out! It would be fairly accurate to say I'll probably be wearing these nails accompanied with my hair in a pony tail and little to no makeup on!

The not so nice side of these is that it will be difficult to change diapers and care for a 2 month old with these on. Not to mention that my fingers have inherited a bit of the Bakker's slightly shorter and wider variety. I'm not sure if these smaller, longer nails will fit Bakker style fingers!

I received these products complimentary from Influenster for testing purposes.

Tuesday 11 March 2014

Coconut Oil

Recently I've started doing whats called "Oil Pulling" for more information on it and how to do it, look here. After only a few times doing it, I've already noticed a small change! I'm hoping to continue getting good results, (and whiter teeth!!) soon!
 There are so many good uses and reasons to use coconut oil! Here is a list of 101 Uses for Coconut Oil and here's a picture that I found that has a few!

For those like me out there that are pregnant, Its good to use it as a moisturizer to combat stretch marks! So far so good with using it as a moisturizer! I haven't gotten stretch marks yet! (Though the true test will be to see after this little one comes, apparently they don't always make their appearance till after the baby is born!) What do I know though, right? This is only my first!

Thursday 6 March 2014

35 Week Bumpdate!

This is not the most recent photo, it was taken on Family day (About three weeks ago now) and photo credit goes to my talented sister Jessica Bakker (Jessy Bakker Photography)


  Her kidneys are fully developed now, and her liver can process some waste products. Most of her basic physical development is now complete — she'll spend the next few weeks putting on weight.


 This little girl doesn't have much room to maneuver now that she's over 18 inches long and tips the scales at 5 1/4 pounds (about the size of a honeydew melon). Because she's so snug in your womb, she isn't doing somersaults anymore, but continues to kick away!

Weight Gain

 I might just skip this part this week! My increased appetite and lack of exercise may be making me gain a little faster then I should!


More swelling/water retention (which could be why I'm gaining more weight.. my body is holding onto way too much water making my hands, feet, and face swell!) 

I'm Craving

 I haven't had my doritos in a few weeks.. still craving them though!

I'm Avoiding

All the wonderful baked goodies I made with my sister and good friend over the weekend! Especially the delicious fudge! 

Good Things This Week

Always things to be thankful for! I had a good weekend with family, and have been productive with making new crocheted patterns! (As you can see with my previous post!)

Not So Good Things This Week

I've been having a headache stay in the background almost all week, and I've been constantly tired!

Looking Forward To

This weekend I'm both attending a wedding shower for a good friend, and my sister and mom are hosting a baby shower for me! I'm really excited for both!

Wednesday 5 March 2014

Coffee Cozies Anyone?

 Recently I've been making all sorts of coffee cozies for to go cups! Its been fun coming up with different patterns and different colors for them!

Hearts, flowers...

"Despicable Me" Minions, moustaches...

And my personal favorite so far, Owls!

Me and my sister have started up a facebook page to show off some things we have made, and hopefully sell them as well! The page is called Handmade Crocheting. Check it out if you like!

Thursday 27 February 2014

34 Week Bumpdate!

 34 weeks and counting! I feel like time is starting to speed up a little bit now! Its time to start preparing meals to freeze, and having blankets and onesies washed!  
 As I'm typing this I can feel my little girl hiccup! What a strange, but wonderful feeling!


 Her fat layers — which will help regulate her body temperature once she's born — are filling her out, making her rounder. Her skin is also smoother than ever. Her central nervous system is maturing and her lungs are continuing to mature as well. 


This little girl now weighs about 4 3/4 pounds (about the size of a cantaloupe) and is almost 18 inches long.
I'm still gaining about 1 lb a week, and its crazy to think that my little girl is taking half of that!!

Weight Gain

23 lbs and counting! 


Still having some trouble moving. I can't walk too fast! A new development has been slight swelling in my feet/ankles. I haven't noticed it too much except when I'm wearing shoes or tighter socks. I'm sure it will get worse before the end!

I'm Craving

I still can't think about Jalapeno Cheddar Doritos without my mouth watering just a little. Ben bought a bag over the weekend when our house was full of guests so we would have a snack available. I'm slightly ashamed to say that I probably ate close to half the bag. 

I'm Avoiding

Other then BBQ sauce and most meats, I'm going to now try to avoid junk food. Not that I haven't been trying to avoid junk food before. I need to try to reach for a glass of water instead of juice, or an apple instead or chocolate when I have the munchies!

Good Things This Week

My husband started a new job on Monday!! So far so good! He's enjoying his work and being challenged to learn more (which is what he was really hoping for!) Hopefully he can get things figured out with his apprenticeship. If he can continue it soon, that'd be great! His job also starts later, so where he used to leave the house at 6:30, he now leaves at 7:30! Which is great for me, since I'm usually wide awake by 6:30, so I have a good hour in the morning to help him with breakfast and talk with him! Its definitely nice to start the day with him!
I've also been able to get out and about alot this week! Alot of things to keep me busy! Which brings me to the next section:

Not So Good Things This Week

Since I've been doing alot this week, I'm also feeling quite a bit tired!

Looking Forward To

Warmer weather! (Which means not so slippery sidewalks!!) And seeing family this weekend!

Tuesday 18 February 2014

Garnier Fructis Damage Eraser

Recently I've signed up with a website called Influenster! Basically its a program where you can read and write reviews on products, ask questions, and also test products! The test boxes they send out are called "VoxBoxes". About three weeks ago I received a mystery voxbox with three small bottles inside.

Safe to say I was pretty excited to receive my first voxbox and test out a new product! After the first wash my hair was feeling great! I was a little bit skeptical of the split end serum that came with, but it worked really well. My split ends did seem to get better!

Now I've received the full product and it has been revealed! Garnier Fructis Damage Eraser! Their newest product! I wasn't too surprised by the fact that the L'Oreal brand was Garnier! I've always liked their products in the past. I am definitely going to be browsing the shelves with these in mind once my stash of shampoo's are gone! I've been getting shiny, soft, non greasy hair from this product!

I received these products complimentary from Influenster for testing purposes