Wednesday 14 May 2014


Yippee! I qualified for another voxbox from influenster! This time they've sent these fun press on manicure nails!

They look like fun right? 
My first impression of these is that they're fun, and easy to apply! I'm a "no fuss" kind of person. If it takes too long to get ready, its probably not worth it! While I've most definitely never been the "hot pink, zebra print manicure" type, I'm kind of excited to try these out! It would be fairly accurate to say I'll probably be wearing these nails accompanied with my hair in a pony tail and little to no makeup on!

The not so nice side of these is that it will be difficult to change diapers and care for a 2 month old with these on. Not to mention that my fingers have inherited a bit of the Bakker's slightly shorter and wider variety. I'm not sure if these smaller, longer nails will fit Bakker style fingers!

I received these products complimentary from Influenster for testing purposes.